Solomon Islands Office of the Auditor General

archive Government Agencies

The Auditor General, with support from the Office of the Auditor General’s specialised  Corporate Governance Financial Audit Branch (CGFAB) and appointed external auditors, is responsible for carrying out financial statement audits on all Government Agencies in the Solomon Islands. These agencies include State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and Statutory Authorities. The findings of these audits are then tabled as reports in Parliament at which point, they become public documents.


archive State Owned Enterprises

The Solomon Islands Government owns and operates a number of State Owned Enterprises. These are public entities’ whose accounts are audited by the Auditor General.

archive Statutory Authorities

Solomon Islands has a number of Statutory Authorities that are established by the Solomon Islands Constitution and relevant Acts of Parliament. These are public entities’ whose accounts are audited by the Auditor General.


pdf State Owned Enterprises and Statutory Authorities Audit Report 2018 Popular

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soe and sa audit report 2018.pdf

pdf State Owned Enterprises and Statutory Authorities Audit Report to Parliament 2019 Popular

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2020.07.20 SOE and SA audit report to Parliament 2019 Audits.pdf

Our Mission

As a centre of excellence we enhance the strengthening of public sector accountability, transparency and integrity to the people of Solomon Islands through professional, independent audit services and reports to our elected legislatures.

Our Vision

To be an independent, competent national audit office with qualified professionals to ensure accountability and transparency in the public sector for the people of Solomon Islands.

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