Auditor General’s Remarks
Welcome to the Office of the Auditor General’s website. This website serves as a platform for members of the public to engage with and gain a better understanding and awareness of the work we do.
Through this website, we will make available to the public, audit reports produced by the OAG including the Auditor General’s Annual Reports to Parliament. It is hoped that by doing so, members of the public, partners and stakeholders will have full access to the details of these reports and be encouraged to discuss them through various tools such as our online forum that we also make available on this website.
Furthermore, it is hoped that by visiting this website, members of the public, partners and stakeholders will also have access to information that will make them better understand the roles, responsibilities and functions of the Auditor General and the Auditor General’s Office.
Our work is guided by our pdfCorporate Plan 2017-2022(926 KB) . The plan gives broad objectives that we will strive to achieve over the six year period and sets down the activities and values we have set for ourselves in meeting those objectives.
The Plan also maps out how our Office is going to work towards meeting its obligations as a Supreme Audit Institution [SAI] within the international fraternity of SAIs – in meeting international auditing standards and making our contribution towards the international goal of all SAIs of “making a difference to the lives of citizens”.
In developing our Plan in consultation with all our staff at every level, we have kept in mind what our international fraternity expects of us, which is to make a difference to our citizens – by:
- Strengthening the accountability, transparency and integrity of government and public sector entities – through audit activities, reporting and publication of findings;
- Demonstrating ongoing relevance to citizens, Parliaments and other stakeholders – through being responsive, using effective and proactive communication, and supporting change in government and public entities; and
- Being a model organization through leading by example – e.g. in good governance, transparency and accountability of SAI performance, in following ethical standards, in promoting a culture of quality and continual improvement, and in learning and knowledge sharing.
When looking at how we do this within the Solomon Islands, we also take account of the development plans guiding our nation to ensure that our work is relevant and useful in improving the lives of Solomon Islanders through scrutiny of the effectiveness of those plans – at the regional, national, provincial and constituency levels.
I trust that this website will be useful to members of the public, our partners and stakeholders who wish to learn more about our efforts to ensure that public funds are accurately accounted for, and for making significant contributions to improvements in public sector administration.