OAG Partners with NSW Audit Office of Australia
The Solomon Islands Office of the Auditor-General welcomed officials from the Audit Office of New South Wales, Australia to Solomon Islands.
This visit was intended to help identify the areas in which these two institutions could share best practices and lessons, and pave the way for a longer-term partnership through a twinning arrangement. The scoping team comprised of Mr. Scott Stanton, Assistant Auditor-General and Ms. Susanti Tedja, Audit Leader. The visit took place from 20 - 24 February 2017.
Speaking during the briefing at the start of the consultation, the Solomon Islands Auditor-General, Mr Peter Lokay, highlighted the significance of such assistance from the New South Wales Audit Office.
He stated “this support is timely and will assist to further strengthen and improve audit functions here in Solomon Islands”. He also thanked the Australian Government for facilitating this partnership and for its ongoing support to his office.
During the visit, staff from the Solomon Islands Office of the Auditor-General discussed various issues with their counterparts from the New South Wales Audit Office and provided insights into some of the challenges they face in their work. Some of the areas where the two offices have agreed to co-operate on will be finalised after the report on the scoping mission is completed.
PASAI is liaising closely with the Solomon Islands Office to provide technical support in relation to their backlog in the audit of whole of government accounts, and this includes also working with the NSW Audit Office and the Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to synergize our efforts in the approach to provide technical assistance to the Solomon Islands SAI.